Year’s end

Hello from the mad house!

While it has been a busy time around here, I have not been idle as far as writing goes. I have been doing some work on the first book in the Naradhan trilogy, Naradhan the Silent. So far, it is progressing well. I am enjoying discovering the story and the characters. My antagonist is growing on me fast, and my protagonist, the already known Ian “Iron” Johnstone (Failing Calamity) is also growing into his role well. Those familiar with him from his appearance in the short will recognise him in this, but will also gain a deeper understanding of what makes him the man he had become at the time of Failing Calamity.

As for releases, I have decided on a slow, long winded final run through of Longarm Severed, to ensure it is as good as it can get. My editor believed it was ready months ago, however I am being a bit recalcitrant about releasing it. I am still undecided as to how it will be published – whether I remain indie, or go with a trade publisher, and if so who. I have to admit I am leaning towards the known quantity, but not for any reason other than familiarity. With such a busy life it seems I am like electricity. I am tending to take the path of least resistance. This is not always a good thing, I know, which is why it has not yet been released. Likely in the new year, decisions will be made, after the madness of the next month is over (travel, weddings, family and friends, all the good times of the season, you know I am looking forward to this!)

Looking through some other items, I stumbled on a long forgotten short titled Luddite Says, which I am considering giving a serious edit and assessment. I will in the new year decide if this one gets expanded out to become a short novel, or remains a short story for potential submission to a genre magazine, or is released as a stand alone, like Failing Calamity was. The other option would be to compile a second collection of stories, with this one featuring. There is so much to think about!

So as you can imagine, I am planning a busy 2015. I hope to be more active in the next twelve months with releases than the last twelve months. Longarm Severed, Naradhan the Silent, and Luddite Says all will be released at some point, and there is the potential for more. The long term project Children of Nevermind, sequel to my popular novel Dance of Nevermind, is still a contender for completion in 2015 as well. So stick around, and join me for a great year of new Science Fiction from my ever growing library!

Finally, to all of you, I wish the best of Christmas and new year celebrations. May your lives be filled with joy and good times during the season of holidays, whatever you choose to celebrate.

Until next year,