Jessica is a young crew member aboard the HRMS Newhope at the time of it’s arrival at Nevermind.
At first seemingly mischievous and immature, Jessica grows into a valuable member of the colony, struggling to assist her fellow survivors in their fight to survival.
Jessica is emotionally touched by the loss of life that occurs all around her, displaying her empathy particularly in her relationship with the orphan Genevieve Colby. Together, with the assistance of several others, they work to build the colony’s positive relationship with the indigenous life of the treacherous planet, and become key figures in the early years of the colony on Nevermind.
Their work with the MGMEC (Mathias Graham Memorial Echostrian Centre) became the subject of many popular documentaries, and helped to spread the word of Nevermind as a place to visit, and a place to live over the following decades.
Jessica is changed significantly by her experience on Nevermind, but was quoted later in life regarding her feelings towards the planet:
“I could never leave here now. Nevermind took so much, so much from all of us, but it gave us back so much more in return. Sure those early years were hard. Sure we lost many, many people who we loved. But we gained a home, and it is such a magnificent home. I could never dishonor her, or those we lost, by abandoning the place we have carved for ourselves here.”
Photograph not currently available.