
A century has passed since humanity’s liberation. Starlight revolves around the life of its title character, a girl named Starlight Hodgens. When her mother is killed in a tragic accident while piloting a shuttle, Starlight becomes an “orphan of the organisation” – to be looked after by the people who employed her mother. They hold the official line that there was no accident other than pilot error, but Starlight believes that to be a lie. When she gets old enough and trained for the work, she takes on the same job her mother had done, and in so doing gets much closer to the truth. What is that truth? Danger or a liberation? Who or what was really the cause of her mother’s death? The mysteries surrounding her circumstances and her lifelong quest for answers will lead Starlight on a journey far from home, and far from safety. Will she find justice or will she find death?

“…an incredibly creative premise” – Publisher’s Weekly
“Fascinating Plot! Interesting and spell binding.” – ABNA Expert Reviewer (Abna 2012)
“This is a great read .The universe Mortimer creates is beautiful.” – Goodreads reviewer
“I smiled, cried, and laughed alongside the characters. I highly recommend this book.” – Goodreads reviewer

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ISBN-10: 146356130X
ISBN-13: 978-1463561307

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