Status Updates

Hi everybody.

This post is a simple update, for those curious about coming works.

Armada’s Disciple is progressing through the editing phase and should not be too far away.

Longarm Severed is in writing now. The opening chapters have been praised by my editors encouragingly.

Children of Nevermind has not yet proceeded beyond the planning phase, but will come together quickly once it does.

The Chronicles of Iron Johnstone remains in long term planning. later in the year I may be seeking an illustrator to work with on this project.

there are two tentatively planned sequels to Shades of Farthrow, but I will not be announcing them as official WIPs just yet.

Lots to do, so I will go get some writing done!
Thank you everybody for your ongoing interest and support. All my readers, it is you that make it possible to continue. Thank you.
