If you look closely, you might notice some minor changes.
Shades of Farthrow has been moved to the books menu. If you look in the books section, you will see the front cover, which changed recently. You can see a sample of the full cover by visiting my DeviantART page (in the ‘follow me’ section of the side bar.) I have made arrangements for paperback, kindle and kobo release of this book in coming days. The one publisher currently receptive in Australia to Science Fiction submissions is limiting all such to eBooks, has a three month consideration period, and is willing to consider already self published works. They offer no advance, and contract on royalty only. Therefore, while I have not yet got the requisite query letter or other material ready for it, this book was already prepared for release. I will announce here when all is confirmed. After that time, I will endeavor to pursue that possible lead with a proper query, and we will see how we go. I feel it is better to strike now, and get a book out for the year, in time for Christmas no less, than to allow it to sit for three more months when readers are asking for it. Three novels last year, one this year. I guess I got lazy. Maybe I can still get Armada’s Disciple finished!
Meanwhile, I have added “Longarm Severed” to the Works in Progress list, and will get cracking on that after Armada’s Disciple and Children of Nevermind are both complete.
Armada’s Disciple has had a strong start, and I hope to complete it before the end of 2012, so cross your fingers!
A real blog post will follow in the next few days. Cheers!